A Few Tips on Gift Certificates

Yes, it is only August and there are still four months until Christmas which is probably the only time you touch a gift certificate. But, birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, National Friendship Day ( August 6th) are all GREAT opportunities to show someone a little bit of love. While gift cards seem too simple and impersonal to some, we assure you there are ways to make even a gift card personal, especially at One Hot Cookie.
1. Know What They Like
It's easy to see that big wall of gift cards at a convenience store and just grab one with a cute picture on it (believe me, we've all done it). But what about all those unique shops and places that your friends love to go? A boutique? A bakery? If you ask about gift cards, they usually have them. Once you've managed to find a place, find things in the store you know they'd like. Sometimes looking at items in the store can give you an idea of if the recipient will find something he or she likes. Themes like coffee, wine, sweets, food, fishing, shopping, etc. can be a huge help.
2. Enough is Enough
Because gift cards feel impersonal to the majority of people, they think a larger amount of money is expected. It's NOT! In fact, 72% of people who use gift cards will spend more than the amount on the card. Giving anything from $5 to $50 is going to mean just as much to them.

3. Small Gift Card, Add Items
Many stores have small trinkets or fun items, in our case we have those and treats. So get a smaller amount on a gift card, get a little basket, and wrap it all together with some little cuties! In the case of One Hot Cookie, you can wrap gift certificates up with treats, unique trinkets, and we can theme it all! We love when someone comes in and says they want a gift with a theme. We do sports, coffee, tea, get well, thank you, animal, and season themes just to name a few!
Remember us for every gift you need to get for any holiday or event! We do gift certificates, baskets, sweets, personalized treats, and so much more! We will make sure you leave with a gift that feels personal even if it's a gift certificate!
-One Hot Cookie Staff