Merry July Comments!

This July has been one for the books, here, at One Hot Cookie. From making over 100 from scratch batches of chicken and dumplings, to our Christmas in July Appetizers, we have been busy with new ideas and old creations!
Last week, we are pleased to say that chicken and dumplings were a huge success. Customer shout out to Curtis Conley who posted"Good stuff and I will definitely be back,"on our Facebook page after having some dumplings. DO NOT FRET! We will bring our dumplings back so keep checking Facebook and our website for upcoming goodies! Because the eclipse and Apple Festival are coming up, chicken and dumplings may not be back until after, BUT there will be other things going on with our name on it, so stay updated!

Side Note: Customers, please know how very much we appreciate you and your feedback. On our website, under "Contact Us," there is a place where you can leave your information and a comment. Your comments and suggestions are ALL appreciated and taken into consideration. Special thank you to Julie Camden for her 5 star rating and comment, "Delicious food & wonderful sweets! NEVER Disappointed!!! Great staff as well!"

This week is our Christmas in July! We have our party room decorated with a splash of
Christmas (just to give you a taste of what December will be like in the shop), a Sample Appetizer Plate on the menu for lunch and coupons to go with! If that wasn't enough, some delightful homemade chocolates are going out the door this week as well! Our Sampler Plate includes some of our most popular catering appetizers: Bacon and Crab stuffed mushrooms, Cranberry Chili glazed meatballs, Reuben Spread, Apple Cheddar Dip, Mini Garden Veggie Cheese ball, Bruschetta, and Fruit Skewers!
Another valued customer was on Facebook raving about another of this weeks delights...Chicken Gnocchi Soup. "Have always enjoyed cookies at One Hot Cookie but tried lunch today for the first time," Loretta Farthing Broomfield stated, "Really good chicken salad sandwich and chicken gnocchi soup! Generous portions and great service." Thank you for your wonderful comments Loretta! While we're doing all of this in house, we also have many of our employees out doing various catering jobs. On Monday, Jennifer Marquard-Gutierrez gave us a shout out on Facebook for a catering job done at the Dunn-Richmond Center and gave our page a 5 star rating! Thank you very much!
To all of you who have come in to the shop this week, we hope you've enjoyed lunches, laughs, and sweets (of course). We love to see returning faces and can't wait to tell you about upcoming weeks, as the eclipse and Apple Fest are quickly approaching! Hope to see you all back soon!
- One Hot Cookie Staff